Basic Pranic Healing - Bosselerstraat 31, Someren (Noord Brabant)
To Register Contact : Alex te Paske
What you will learn :
. Feeling of energy & how to use it for healing.
• Energetic Anatomy: The 11 energy centers and their functions.
• Simple & easy techniques for healing others & oneself.
• Techniques to prevent diseases or easy fixes for simple health issues.
• How to scan the aura and energy centres
• Breathing techniques for amazing energy level during your day.
• Learn how to protect you from energy contamination.
• The Twin Hearts meditation for deep relaxation, peace and illumination.
• About how karma works and how you can use this for a successful and healthy life.
• Distance Healing techniques, to take care of your loved ones wherever they are.
* Divine Healing & Self-healing.
All the workshops develop your practical healing skills, guided by a licensed and experienced trainer.
Course Venue : Bosselerstraat 31, Someren (Noord Brabant)
Bring your own lunch for both days. Tea & snacks will be available throughout the day.
Complete Payment HERE 363€
If you have filled the form once and clicked submit then you can simply pay using the above link. They both are separate links. But clicking submit button once, is enough for the registration.