Nishkamya Karma

Selflessness is an effort for most. Lord Krishna said to Arjuna, that when you do something do not look for the results nor look for reciprocation. Love is a hard to cultivate - such is the inherent selfishness of human nature.

The self, is often identified with the body, the form, the name, identity, country, likes & dislikes. This self which is otherwise called the personality or the “lower-self” or the “little-me”; works hard to accomplish many things in one lifetime. The accolades and the bouquets increase the association, identification and personification of the genius of the Lower-Self. It is good to a certain extent when the young soul is trying to grow up and become successful but in terms of evolution of the soul, this identification becomes a road block in the later phase of spiritual growth. The lower self has to identify itself with the Higher Self. The will of Soul must govern the the life of the personality.

The soul must constantly live in the light of the Higher Soul, following the path of the virtues. Spiritual aspirations, longing for oneness with the Higher-Soul, Illumination and Union (Yoga) should become the goal of the personality. This is easily possible when we use the teachings of Lord Krishna, do not be attached to the actions and it’s outcomes, do not look for something to come back to you, reduce all expectations, de-attached attachments, Identifying each activity from the standpoint of the Soul, the Divine. Associating the opportunities and outcomes as a means to raise the consciousness higher and greater. Turning a hurt to a lesson of forgiveness, looking at love as mercy on the path towards oneness, boundless & unconditioned transactions with everybody, a non-judging attitude and constant inclusive thought towards everyone - can be tools or means to attain that Nishkamya or desire-less actions.

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui said, the Law of Karma is for all. So if the sadhak (the student) on the Spiritual Path can attempt to try the above, then hurt, troubles and blocks generated around one’s life may seem as only stepping stones towards the ultimate goal. Oneness with all

Good for thought

Amen !

Dr. Prashant



An ancient means to relate to one species to the other was by means of communication. It could be through touch, feel, thought, feelings, words or speech and actions or deeds. Often it is observed that when some one in a great bad situation shares the troubles with confident or a friend the situation apparently feels much lighter to the sufferer. The graveness of the matter might start to loose it weight as soon as it is shared with someone. Discussion leads to more ways to resolve a situation. When someone is deep inside a dark pit, help given from outside the pit a faster solution than trying to climb out of the pit oneself which might take lots of effort and time and mighty be unsuccessful. For help to be given or solutions to be provided, we need to communicate. 

Master Choa Kok Sui always said, Right thoughts Right speech and right actions. Lord Buddha said “Right Expression” 

Now when we express ourselves, we are able to get over self-inhibitions. Lack of communication can make one full of assumptions, fears, doubts, etc.   I would like to quote Torkom Saraydarian here who says, “Find moments in your life in which you had communication with people. You will see that most of our tensions, disappointments, sorrows, pain, and anxiety are the result of a break in our communication.”

Dr P

Like begets like


Will Power usually manifests during desperate situations. It is said Will is the least developed aspect in human beings. 

Intelligence is the most explored and developed while the aspect of Love is being worked on. All religions have been teaching humanity the same thing. Refuse hatred and harshness. Violence and ruthlessness has destroyed a lot of the existing race of humans and the resources on our planet in several of the past centuries. Now it is time to stimulate the power with us to regulate these lower vibrations, to tame the uncontrollable urge to destroy or hurt. Loving-kindness to all. Forgiveness to oneself and others is one way to manifest this Will power as it is not just a thought but an activity - a deed. Mahatma Gandhi and many other Mahatmas & Saints before him taught us the path of Ahimsa (Non-Violence). 

Master Choa Kok Sui once said, ‘Violence begets Violence.’  Injuriousness will lead to more injury and destruction. It is very painful. To bring peace one has to forgive, let go of the lower urges and transmute them to love and peace. 

I quote the lines from the book Discipleship in the New Age Vol 1 by Holy Master DK 

“Arrest each unloving thought; stamp out each critical action, and teach yourself to love all beings - not in theory but in deed and in truth.”

(5 - 475) Ponder on this

Dr. P

Self Mastery


Will Power usually manifests during desperate situations. It is said Will is the least developed aspect in human beings. 

Intelligence is the most explored and developed while the aspect of Love is being worked on. All religions have been teaching humanity the same thing. Refuse hatred and harshness. Violence and ruthlessness has destroyed a lot of the existing race of humans and the resources on our planet in several of the past centuries. Now it is time to stimulate the power with us to regulate these lower vibrations, to tame the uncontrollable urge to destroy or hurt. Loving-kindness to all. Forgiveness to oneself and others is one way to manifest this Will power as it is not just a thought but an activity - a deed. Mahatma Gandhi and many other Mahatmas & Saints before him taught us the path of Ahimsa (Non-Violence). 

Master Choa Kok Sui once said, ‘Violence begets Violence.’  Injuriousness will lead to more injury and destruction. It is very painful. To bring peace one has to forgive, let go of the lower urges and transmute them to love and peace. 

I quote the lines from the book Discipleship in the New Age Vol 1 by Holy Master DK 

“Arrest each unloving thought; stamp out each critical action, and teach yourself to love all beings - not in theory but in deed and in truth.”

(5 - 475) Ponder on this

Dr. P

Prayer of Disciple


I am a point of light within a greater Light.

I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of love divine.

I am a point of sacrificial Fire, focussed within the fiery Will of God.

And thus I stand.

I am a way by which men may achieve.

I am a source of strength, enabling them to stand.

I am a beam of light, shining upon their way.

And thus I stand.

And standing thus revolve

And tread this way the ways of men,

And know the ways of God.

And thus I stand.


May the Power of the One life pour through the group of all true servers

May the Love of the One Soul characterise the lives of all who see to aid the Great Ones

May i fulfil my part in the One work through Self forgetfulness, Harmlessness & Right speech.

By Master DK

The story of the hidden treasures


There was once a hard-working and generous farmer who had several idle and greedy sons. On his deathbed, he told them that they would find his treasure if they were to dig in a certain field. As soon as the old man was dead, the sons hurried to the fields, which they dug up from one end to another, and with increasing desperation and concentration when they did not find the gold in the place indicated.

Thinking that in his generosity their father must have given his gold away during his lifetime, they abandoned their search. Finally, it occurred to them that, since the land had been prepared they might as well now sow a crop. 

They planted wheat, which produced an abundant yield. They sold this crop and prospered that year. After the harvest was in, the sons thought again about the bare possibility that they might have missed the buried gold, so they again dug up the fields, with the same result. 

After several years they became accustomed to labour, and to the cycle of the seasons, something which they had not understood before. Now they understood the reason for their father’s method of training them. They had become honest and contented farmers, no longer concerned about the hidden hoard.